Show Notes 11/20/16
FAKE SPONSOR Duracell Batteries My Dad and Batteries ANNOUNCEMENTS New Private Facebook group. If you’re not a member, well I guess you just aren’t one of the cool kids. $1.00 7 day trial I invented a Hashtag #BusinessesAgainstSnowflakes I won’t hire anyone from institutions condoning safe spaces. Mentor Training Program Scholarships (second webinar) MAILBAG What did it take to start the new private facebook group and how’s it doing? Desktop software for Facebook Live What paid traffic sources are you using? NEWS Her Prayers Weren’t answered Deadman Riding A Dog is in Charge SCAMBAG Psychics SELF DEFENSE TIP Don’t turn your back INTERNET TIP Power Editor SPEAKING TIP Alternative Openings AHOLES OF THE WEEK Thomas Burch Administrators at Silver Trail Middle School HERO OF THE WEEK Becca Stevens. from Thistle Farms.
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